Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Searching for Daniel

Chapter One

It was June of 1951 and ten year old Danny was asleep when his father slipped into his room and placed a strange device in an unused portion of his schoolbag. "It will be safe there, who knows what that thing is or who invented it. I must do more studies on it!" thought Doctor Greyson, looking over his shoulder at the backpack. Doctor Greyson knew it was a breach of protocol but he suspected a co-worker was actually a Soviet spy and would try to grab the device from it's original safe.

That night, Danny finished up his homework and began to read his comics about aliens and he dreamed that perhaps the Air Force would contact a real alien and that the alien would contact the new UN and their would be world peace. Little did he realize that a contact was in the works.

"Device is located Captain." said Lt. Xangarth, at his post, looking at his instruments. "Good. Get the device and get out of there!" said the Captain. "These humans already have a primitive low-grade atomic device and they have rockets that might someday leave their atmosphere. You know where I am going with this." said the Captain to the Ready Team. The three eyed aliens nodded as they put on their suits. "Make sure none of those humans see you, use your cloaking devices and leave no trace." said the Captain. The head of the Team nodded. "For the Empire!" said the Captain. "For the Empire!" said the Away Team and they beamed out of the scout ship, which resembled a diamond in shape and used impulse technology to move around. The Away Team beamed into the dwelling and silently made their way down the hall. The Team Leader saw a light turn on. "A human child is awake. Freeze and don't move an inch!" said the Team Leader. Danny was already out of his bed and on the way to the bathroom when he froze when he saw the cloaked aliens. He thought they were ghosts and he quickly ran back into his room. "He saw us! Odds are his society will reject anything he says as utter fantasy. Advance to the room and take object. Beam out. Ignore the human child." said the Team Leader. They advanced and opened the door. The child screamed. "Situation has changed, the human child has called out for his parents. It is possible that his sire is a scientist, which explains why they have the object." said the Team Leader. "We need to grab the child and the device. We have a mind drug that can wipe the child's memory." said the Team Leader. The dad awoke and grabbed his belt, intending to give his son a long whipping for waking him up. "Human male, adult is up with a hand weapon. We need to neutralize him." said a Team Member. "Stay still and do as I command! Wait for the sire to scold his son, he will return to his bed and we can get device without a problem." said the Team Leader. The scientist walked past the cloaked aliens and entered his son's room, his face contorted with rage. "I'll teach you to stop screaming in your sleep!" said the dad to his son and began to whip the boy with his belt. "Damn." uttered one of the aliens over his communicator. "My sire never had the rage issues that human is having." the father continued to beat the boy until the boy was sobbing. The dad put his belt back on and left the room. The boy quickly crawled into bed, sobbing. One of the aliens flashed his beacon and located the device in the backpack. The alien tried to extract the device from the backpack but all the buttons and zippers eluded him. "Just take the backpack! The human male adult can buy his son a new one!" said the Team Leader. The boy was watching from under the covers in absolute fright. Danny summoned up the courage and sprang from his bed and tried to take his backpack from the alien. "We don't have time for this! Beam out with the boy! We will drop him off later!" said the Team Leader. "Five to beam up!" said the Team Leader and the group shimmered out of existence while a frightened wife looked on. She ran to her husband's room and shook her husband awake. "Ghosts have taken our boy! I saw it with my own eyes!" she screamed. The irritated scientist slapped her and told her to calm down. "Honey, you were having another nightmare. Go to sleep. Now." he said. She reluctantly obeyed him. He knew what had happened. He knew of the Incarnae, the race that claimed the Sol system as it's own. "The damned Incarne took my son! Over a device?" he puzzled within himself; "My boy is more of a fighter than I thought! He must have resisted them when they tried to take his backpack!" he thought, alarmed. He knew better than to tell anyone the truth. The next day, he placed a kidnapping report in with the local Sheriff and said that armed men in black clothing took his son. "It is a shame, so much crime these days." said the old Sheriff as he shook his head. "Back when I was a boy, there was only a few crooks here and there. The War must have changed things because I have seen a spike in crimes since 1950." said the Sheriff. "Hey, aren't you involved with the Federal Government?" asked the Sheriff to the scientist. "No, that was years ago. I now work for an independent firm." said the scientist. It was only partly true, the firm he worked for was private but he worked for them as a Governmental employee. "I'll find him. That is a promise!" said the Sheriff. "I sure hope so." said the scientist. The scientist waked out of the room and the sheriff made a note to question the man a bit further. The man seemed too calm, thought the sheriff. "Perhaps his wife slept with another man and he finally figured it out. He suffocates his son and stuffs him down a drainpipe somewhere. Likely lead." thought the Sheriff. The Sheriff was never able to look at the case again, he dropped dead of a heart attack the next day from his overloaded arteries. The new Sheriff was never informed of the missing child and never put out the search crews. The scientist went about his business as if his child was never born. They tearfully cleaned out his bedroom and made way for their next child, who was a boy, whom they named Daniel when he was born.

Chapter Two.

Daniel was put into deep stasis for the long trip back to the Incarne home planet. The Team Leader was overruled by the Captain about "dropping the boy off" because he would tell everything and it was supposed to be a secret operation. "So what will we do with this human child? We can't keep him!" said the Captain to the Admiral over the subspace radio. "Our scientists always need subjects for anatomical knowledge." said the Admiral. "Unethical. I protest that! Perhaps we can place the human child with a family?" said the Captain, not wanting to see the child be cut into little pieces by the Imperial University. "I'll see what I can do. You owe me one!" said the Admiral. "Indeed but I do this for the Gods." said the Captain. The ship returned to the space dock and the boy was woken up and a linguist computer was brought in to learn the language of the boy. The boy, after the translators adjusted to English, was told that he was on a different world. The boy smiled and looked around, thinking he was dreaming. "Wow! I got to tell my friends about this dream when I wake up!" said the boy. "Son" said an older alien. It was the Admiral. "Son, I will take you into my household and teach you the ways of my people and the knowledge of such. Perhaps someday you will return to your "earth" and you will be a great scientist like your sire, maybe even greater." said the kindly Admiral. The boy then knew it wasn't a dream. "Is my dad okay?" asked the boy. "Yes, he is very much alive but I am sad to say that he thinks you are dead." said the Admiral. "Come! You will meet your new brothers and sisters! We have much to show you!" said the Admiral.

Chapter Three.

Daniel was renamed Haalsech and was taught the language of his adopted home and was instructed in the culture and the religion. "Um, Sir? I am a Christian." said the boy when the tutor was trying to teach the boy the ways of the Gods. "What is that? I have never heard of it before!" said the instructor, very surprised. Daniel explained what he had learned in Bible Study at church and the tutor was amazed. "You already grasp certain truths which elude the grasp of our own theologians? Continue in your faith in one God and you will do well little one!" said the tutor, thinking that it was a wise idea to do a cross-reference on certain key figures from this "Jesus" against other references to a "son of god" in the others religions of the known galaxy on the main computer. Haalsech learned quickly and was a fast study on the computer system that dotted the planet. He reached twenty three and graduated with top honors from the Imperial University. During his off time, he would tell his peers about earth and about democracy, which was unknown on the Incarne home world. He advanced in his faith in God and prayed always that some day, he would be allowed to return home to Earth. That opportunity came at an unexpected price. "We are at war with Earth. They learned of our base on their moon and they attacked it, killing all of our personnel." said the Admiral to a now 30 year old Daniel/Haalsech. "What year is it on earth?" asked Haalsech, not too interested in what he had left behind. He was now intent on developing a new warp-drive system for the Imperial University. "2034. Quite a bit has changed. Our spies tell us that "communism" was defeated in 1991 only to come back again and now the entire earth is under communist rule, since 2020, your dating time." said the Admiral. "From what little I remember sire, communism is a horrible waste of economy and it abuses men for the sake of the State." said Daniel/Haalsech. "Indeed. At least the Empire lets it's merchants keep most of their wealth! I would hate to see this "communism" spread like a cancer to our world." said the Admiral. "Fine, it is settled. The Emperor wishes you to make contact with the humans and end this war, least our own soldiers hear of "how wonderful" this communism is and overthrows our Emperor!" said the Admiral. "It is done." said Haalsech in formal tones.

Chapter Four.

Daniel was on the "Avenger of the Deed", sitting at a table, reading a book on the pros and cons of ion drive when he was told that the moon of earth was viewable. He got up and looked at the view screen in the Captains lounge. He shed a tear, seeing the all too familiar shapes and outlines of the moon. The memories came flooding back and he withdrew himself to weep. "I cannot do this! I want to return to Incarne but this is my real home!" he whispered to himself. He dried his eyes and walked to the negotiating team. "I am ready." said Haalsech. The team was beamed down to the UN Congress Building in Geneva where they met their counterparts. "Do sit down. You seem human Haalsech." said Augustas Dione of the Communist Negotiating Team. "I was taken by accident years ago. Incarne is my home now." said Daniel/Haalsech. "So, down to business! You Incarne's get off out moon and we'll end the war." said Augustas Dione. "Is that it? We want gold and silver to pay for the damages of your illegal invasion of Incarne soil." said Daniel. "We are forbidden from using silver or gold as a currency of exchange. We can give you paper Global Dollars." said Augustas. "Our Empire tried paper script many centuries ago. It nearly brought it down. We cannot accept worthless notes." retorted Daniel. "How about we pay you in steel then?" asked Augustas. "How many metric pounds?" asked Daniel. "Enough to build New York three times." said Augustas. "Plus 10,000 pounds of gold and silver or our troops will march in your streets." said Daniel. "We cannot pay tribute!" said Augustas. "You have no choice!" retorted Daniel. "Your terms for our terms. You get that base off our moon? Savvy?" said Augustas. "We need that base for our security. It stays and you will still pay what you owe us!" shot back Daniel. "We don't want the Incarne to keep it's eyes on Earth for any reason! We are a collectively free people and we will not bow to an Emperor!" retorted Augustas. "But you bend your knee to the Secretary General of the UN? Do you not? He has the gun and you must do what he says." said Daniel. "But...." began Augustas. "No "buts" you are not a free people. Therefore you are not entitled to the privileges and benefits of a free people, you gave that up years ago for a little bit of security and peace. Am I not correct?" asked Daniel. "You are right! It is either one Government or the next! Fine, you win! We will pay everything we owe to you and you can keep your damned base!" said Augustas. "We won. Negotiations are over. Draw up the surrender documents!" said Daniel to the computer. The humans, beet red, signed the documents and the payment was made. "You bested us! We could use you here on Earth. The Secretary General needs a literate and educated Right Hand Man." said a suited human. "Perhaps. But I want to be paid in gold and you cannot ask for Incarne technology either." said Daniel. The two shook on it and Daniel officially resigned his post as Incarne negotiator, since his job was done and the humans had agreed to terms. "I will miss you greatly. Your ideas shall last forever in the Empire. Perhaps someday the Emperor will let the property owners form a Government and they will create laws and the Emperor will sign them into law, but not yet. We are still to feudal and rigid for any kind of democracy." said the Admiral to Daniel over the subspace radio. "I shall miss you too. You saved my life and helped to give it some meaning." said Daniel to his adoptive father. They gave each other a farewell salute and the screen went dark. Daniel turned and walked to the exit, to his real home and new future.

Chapter Five. \

"Just the man I wanted to see! Sit down! How was your captivity Daniel?" asked Hans Burgdoff, the Secretary General of the UN. Daniel looked the man over and could tell he was a lying criminal of the worst sort. "I promised the Incarne to never discuss the details to any human." said Daniel. "Fine! Very good! Very professional. We will catch up with the Incarne anyway. You'll see." said Hans Burgdoff. "You wanted advice?" asked Daniel. "Oh yes! You see, communism has been a global failure but we cannot let the Party know that we are going to get rid of it. That is where you come in, put a spin on it for me to the media." said Hans. "Why not just tell the truth and tell your Party to accept it or disband?" asked Daniel. "That would lead to utter chaos Daniel. Millions of humans have Government jobs and would riot if they thought they would loose those jobs!" said Hans. "Fine. We will put a nice face on these reforms and we'll see what happens." said Daniel. "The pay, as you requested, will be in silver and gold. The Luxor Tower has a upper apartment. It is yours." said Hans. "All the female models you request will be yours." he added. "That part goes against my faith. I like the apartment idea though." said Daniel. "You cannot be bought then? We'll see." said Hans. The two departed and Daniel went to settle in his new flat and went to go see if his old home was still there, in upper New York State. He rented an old, rusty, beat up car and as he drove down the Highway, he was shocked to see how degraded things had become. Homeless people were burning trash in barrels, everyone was dirty and quite a few seemed like they were either drunk or on narcotics. He came to a roadblock and was stopped by police. "Permit! And we need to see all the paperwork as well as your North American Passport." said the policeman. "I am Daniel Haalsech." said Daniel. The cops saluted. "Just flash your UN ID and we'll wave you on! It's been good meeting you Daniel!" said the cop. "Likewise." said Daniel as he drove on. "This place is a dump! What on earth happened since I was gone?" he asked himself out loud. An old bum woke up and rose up. "I'll tell you what happened mister! The damn communists took over back in 2020 after the US Currency imploded and everything went straight to hell after that. The poor and homeless were thrown out of the cities and we have had to survive by eating what little is left in nature." said the homeless man. "How did you get in my car?" asked Daniel, somewhat alarmed. "I was sleeping in here when you got it." said the man. "Anyway, the global economy froze up completely and everyone went out of business. Hans pulled a coup at the UN and tried to get things going again by pumping the UN Dollar into the economy but that didn't help except in a few wealthy places overseas. The riots in this country were daily until Hans sent the UN Troops with mustard gas to suppress the rioters. Then everyone just started to drift to the countryside and some Christians got survival communes going and that saved millions of lives but we still lost 50% of our population to starvation and suicide." said the man. The "Boss" shut down the communes and put everyone in working camps. Some of us even escaped. The only people who are living wealthy are the traitors, the pimps, the sell-outs and members of the Global Communist Party. All the good jobs went to them and everyone else got...you guessed it...the shaft. They got the mine, we got the shaft." said the homeless man. "How was he able to afford.....?" asked Daniel. "The space ships? Hell! Those damn aliens kept losing their ships to our missiles and our engineers simply got them flying again! We don't make anything anymore! We are a civilization of thieves and crooks now!" said the homeless man. "Listen buddy. Hook up with the Prophet. He is building a brand new civilization out in Utah. He was the LDS President until everything went down. The whole thing is Old Testament and low tech. It's the only way America will survive!" said the man. "I learned everything I know from my friends the Incarne. You are right. A strongman is needed to get everyone back on their feet. Perhaps this prophet will come into power someday." said Daniel in the most sarcastic tone possible. "Got your point boss. Hey, that Prophet isn't perfect himself, he has 100 wives and all of them are in their twenties. His salary is 1 million gold Mormon dollars a year and he only speaks to three people, who then tell all them Mormons and new immigrants his will." said the homeless man. "Why aren't you there?" asked Daniel. "Oh, I love my freedom. He wants all the new immigrants to convert to "New Mormonism" or "get out". He is the real political power in the West of this former United States and the Secretary General will not touch him with a ten foot pole." said the homeless man. "Any other "utopias" out there?" asked Daniel. "Well, Texas became it's own country for awhile, they scrapped the dollar and did real good until the illegal migrants from south of the former border overthrew the Texas Government and it's been downhill ever since." said the man. "All the whites left Texas and made their way up into Montana and Wyoming and founded the Tri-State Federation. Hans crushed it and took it over. Same with the Republic of Alaska. The only place Hans didn't crush was "Liberty Island" out in the Pacific. Wealthy libertarians built it and it still holds out against the UN Government." said the homeless man. "Hans also took away the farms of the Amish the Mennonites and the Hutterites and threw them out of North America! The farms are now barb wire work camps for the homeless and indigent like me." said the homeless man. "Even the regular farmers?" asked Daniel. "No, all the family farms shut down before the UN takeover and all the big Corporate farms were handed over to the UN." said the man. "Hey, my name is Charlie, what is yours?" asked the homeless man to Daniel. "I am Daniel. Let's keep it at that for now." said Daniel. They shook hands. "Could I get off here? I need to pee real bad!" said the homeless man. Daniel stopped the car. "Do you think this Prophet would agree to see me?" asked Daniel. "Why you?" asked the homeless man as he opened the door and ran off to a nearby creek. Daniel tried to start the car but he realized he would have to walk. He began walking and some roadside hobos were playing some music on an old guitar and drinking beer. "Hey! You! Join our party! It's the end of the world man!" and Daniel walked on. He began to remember the words of warning from the prophets in the Holy Bible. A Government Limo pulled up. "Hey! Daniel! Get in! One of your privileges is the use of Government vehicles you rube!" said a fat white man. "You are?" asked Daniel. "Your damn assistant, now get in here before I drag your ass in here!" said the fat man. Daniel climbed in. "Where to?" asked the driver. "Albany. 101 N. 4th Street. I want to see if the house is still standing. I stuffed an old memento under the foundation." smiled Daniel. The limo started moving and the fat man turned on the TV. A cheeky communist comedy was on about some lesbians who were trying to organize homeless Americans into work and labor communes. "The planet where I spent most of my life, communism was totally unknown, everyone was well fed and you never saw a homeless person. Why? Because they cared for their people without caring. The free market economy was huge back there. The lords of the Incarne owned all the businesses and the temples took in the mentally ill and the infirm. Everyone worked and everyone went to school until twenty three. Amazing society! Very feudal in nature but you got the sense that they needed nothing else in life. The common people hardly complained about their lot in life and when they did, it fell on deaf ears. Hardly any crime either. Yeah, there was a little bit of crime but their Imperial Security Police had free roving warrants, they were judge, jury and executioner and they would give the death penalty to thieves and murderers on the spot and those being publicly disorderly would be taken back to their homes or places of work. The disorderly had to also pay a fine to the Temple. Not a bad system." said Daniel, looking out of the limo window at the third world of what was once the United States of America. "I see what was once my beloved county has fallen into ruin. Can't say I blame Hans at all. He inherited this mess." said Daniel. Frank Malloney, Daniels assistant, stayed impassive. "I suppose it could have been much worse. The former USA could have lost 70-80% of it's population to starvation if the UN had stayed on the sidelines." said Daniel. "You heard of that crazy "prophet" in Utah? Hans is fixing to "fix his wagon" and smash that unauthorized State of his." said Frank. "So what of the people?" asked Daniel. "So what? We'll put them in work camps and confiscate their wealth. They have too much gold and silver out there. That has to be stopped." said Frank. "Sort of like Alaska and the Tri-States?" asked Daniel. "The Tri-States yes, because those crazy fools were running the blacks and the Latinos out of there. He left Alaska alone but he put in a Governor. They are still the only free market nation still left in the world." said Frank. "What about Liberty Island?" asked Daniel. "Doesn't exist! It's a rumor spread by those lice-ridden bums out there who cling on to hope still that the world will recover. We put a 99% tax on all earnings Alaskans are making so their economy won't last long. Once it falls, we'll swoop in and put those people in work camps and leave the place to the Native Americans." said Frank.
"I have some bad news for you Frank. Hans threw in the towel and he's turning everything back over to a free market economy." said Daniel. "What?? What about social justice?? We have some real nice farms for the blacks down south, and they make millions for the UN every year. What is going to happen to them?" asked Frank. "Wait a minute." said Daniel. "Did you just suggest that Hans put the blacks on farms in the south against their will?" asked Daniel. "It's not slavery! The UN is the owner of the farms and the blacks all signed "work contracts" and they are happy with it." said Frank. "What happened to the ones that refused to sign?" asked Daniel. "We sent them to re-education through labor. Heck, something had to be done." said Frank. "So this "new communism" is basically old Stalinism with a twist." said Daniel. "Either work or starve." said Frank. "Well, needless to say some big changes are coming. So no rioting. I hate to think what Hans will do to his own Party if they try to riot." observed Daniel. "Oh hell! I won't riot. I know some unionized workers who will though! They don't want to lose their benefits." said Frank. The limo pulled up to the old address. "This will take a moment." said Daniel as he stepped out of the car. The whole neighborhood was gone and only the foundation of his old house remained. He went to the spot where he had hid the iron lock box so long ago and moved a stone and it was still there! He opened it and took out an American flag with the stars of 1951. "Gentlemen, America is back in business." he said to the men in the limo.

Chapter Six

Hans and Daniel worked the twilight hours drawing up documents and making calls to supporters and talking to the Press. "The new Global Initiative is about Freedom and is about the right to keep what you earn." said Daniel to a UN News conference. "Won't a return to capitalism damage race relations?" asked one reporter. "No, because a free market economy has nothing to do with fairness or social justice. It is about you keeping the resources that you have worked to earn through hard work." said Daniel. "Is the Secretary General planning to resign?" asked another reporter. "No, he is manning the helm until the Governments of the world can get back on their feet again. The plan is to let the middle east return to it's emirs and princes and kings while Latin America is going to be ruled from Spain and Spain will oversee Portugal and Italy and Greece. Germany and the core of Arabic Europe will become a Muslim state, but not based on Sharia law. We insisted on that. In fact, no country anywhere in the world is going to revert to Sharia law, the only permitted law is going to be the Western Civil Code. The few populated areas in the former United States of America are going to reform as territories and will, with a population upswing created by the free market, will create new territories and then new States and hopefully a new US Government will be up and running in thirty or so years, but this is hopeful long term planning." said Daniel. "What about Africa?" asked a reporter. "Africa will be organized into new countries once their population goes back up. You remember that they lost 80% of their population in the collapse." said Daniel. "In the long run, we hope to have the UN as a debating body again and not as a governing one. The nations of the earth will rule themselves and will all be sovereign once more." said Daniel. "Have you made a full transition back to being human?" asked another reporter. "I was always human but my culture is firmly rooted in two worlds. I will never be the same person who I was in the past. I will never be fully human or Incarne in a cultural sense. I am me. A unique individual." said Daniel. "But we are all individuals, created in the image of God." and with that, he walked off the podium.

Chapter Seven.

"We'll miss you." said Hans. "I promise you that we will roll back several decades of neglect and utter stupidity. added Hans to his new friend. The Incarne ship hoovered above the tarmac at JFK International Airport. "The Incarne asked me to return and become their first ever Prime Minister and I am to help them form a Representative Government. Perhaps I can steer them away from the mistakes of earth." said Daniel. "Make their children learn the example of what happened here Daniel. Farewell and God bless you!" said Hans. "Toi!" said Daniel and he was beamed onto the Incarne ship. The ship rose up to the stars and flew to a place many have called "The Undiscovered Country" Freedom.
(I would like to thank all the authors who have penned "contact" stories over the years, post Apocalypse stories, stories of freedom enduring despite dictatorships and I would like to thank the best nation under freedom, the United States of America, for making this story possible and I would like to thank Gene Roddenberry who brought into science fiction the idea that, in the end, we are all humanoids created in the image of God.)