Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Factions

Veronasici was a city-state not like any other. It was wealthy beyond compare and her mage designed towers soared high in the sky. She had a vast, white wall that surrounded her and the entire city was a giant circle, with the ancient White Tower in the center of the city. Julius Garrius Mahonius was a Senator of that city, he was proud of his native city and the power the Republic had reached, when it had absorbed all the other Republics by treaty after the Third Orc War. Now he was fighting ambitious men who were seeking a crown that was illegal by law. He knew he could not let them succeed, least the Republic become an Empire and the Annals warned of past Empires, how they quickly fell.  Julius knew of these warnings and had all the copies of the Annals himself. The Annals were 100 books total and it required a prince's ransom in money to get the whole set. He was walking up the steps into the ancient Senate building when he was approached by a man in common dress. "Psst. I can advance your career." said the mage in disguise. "How? You are just a voter." said the Senator, indignant of the intrusion. "I have tricks that can fool the public. It is all yours for 20,000 golden lira." said the mage. "So you are the one that is turning one faction against another? I should vote you out of the city!" exclaimed the Senator. "I know you seek the Chair of the Senior Procouncil, it can be yours. You can defeat the tribunes that you have been debating." said the mage. "I rather enjoy the debate, it keeps the tribunes at bay." said the Senator. "The Senior Procouncil doesn't even like you, his faction is at odds with yours." said the mage. "I give him a goose every holiday festival. He has never said anything amiss to me." said the Senator. "Are you aware that he hates that bird? Try duck instead." said the mage who vanished into the crowd of voters. Another Senator approached. "The Varro faction is at it again, they are blocking our law with an ex-nilio provision." said Senator Thorious, a rather tall man, balding but in good health otherwise. "To the void with that faction! I will get up on the rostrum myself" said Senator Mahonius. He entered the Senate building and as a part of the business of the day he signed citizenship papers and he stamped property transfers for his voters in his district while the Varro faction was at the rostrum warming up the debate with their most Senior Senators, Avarus Varro the Younger. "Listen to me! The law is unjust to the poor of the city who have no vote! Why do we allow the elder Senators to pass over the needs of the poor year after year? I urge a vote on this matter!" and Avarus Varro the Younger stepped off the rostrum. Senator Mahonius stepped up to the rostrum. "Senator Mahonius is now recognized." said the older, wiser Senior Procouncil, Caius Varro the Elder. "If I may correct some points that our tribune just made. First of all, we have no poor in this city. They are residents, but only temporary. Most of them move on to other cities and some do become citizens here. That has been the historic trend. We cannot live without their labors and if we do begin to give them what they demand, what else are we going to give them? The city itself? No, let them remain where they are, in the apartments and in the laborers rooming houses. Let me remind you that it was my faction that abolished slavery when the senior factions were utterly opposed to it! They resisted that change but it was for the health of the entire city. Laborers from the provinces are free laborers, free to come and go as they please. Any attempt on our part to tie them down would be a mistake and it would be a step back towards slavery, albeit a different kind of slavery. A slavery of the State, where the State decides where the laborers must work, where they must sleep, where they must eat, and so on and etc. So please support our law that would bar the populous factions from making this city into another Herrodium, that infamous place that quickly became a dictatorship once the populous became too strong in it's Senate." said Senator Mahonius. He stepped off the Rostrum and smirked at his opponent. "Cast your votes Senators." said Varro the Elder. The Senators dropped the black marbles into their cups on their desks to signify the "no" vote to the proposed change to the law. The Aedile counted the marbles and whispered to the Clerk of the Senate. "189 against. 23 for. The measure to change the law in consideration is void!" said the Clerk. The Senators of the Tuilius faction and the Daius faction shook hands on a victory against the "absurd commons" as they called their opponents on the other side of the aisle. Building the alliance between the two Patrician factions had not been easy, since one esteemed itself to be the "true voice" of the founders of the city while the other represented the newer landholding class. "Well now. You have had your way." said Varro the Elder at the Podium. "The laborers will continue to live on the margins of our Republic. Consider that one man with a voice of a god can stir the laborers into a frenzy. Did you not also make it harder last year for the laborers to purchase land in the city, thus making it harder for them to be citizens? You cannot take with one hand and rob with the same hand. I therefore move to allow the laborers to use our baths in the city." said Varro the Elder. "You cannot propose a motion! You know that!" said Tibius the Younger. "You are out of order." said Varro the Elder, evenly. "I know the law, I am not making an official motion, but I am merely "advising the Senate" as my duties state." said Varro the Elder. "Watch your tongue! Your language was out of order!" said another Senator. "Leave him alone!" retorted a senior tribune. Senator Tullius walked up to the now empty rostrum, as the Elder Varro returned to his seat. "The law says that if any man oversteps his bounds, he must be suspended from the Senate for one year." said the Senator. "I propose to suspend the Senior Procouncil and hold an election for a new one, in one years time." said Senator Varnius. "I second the motion." said Senator Mahonius. A verbal fight broke out between the factions and the Senior Procouncil slipped out of the Senate and met with his advisors. "I have ruled this city for thirty years unopposed and they want my head? I never gave in to the populous factions in my whole career. I just wanted to toss a sop to that faction to keep them from leaving our city in protest." said the aged  Senior Procouncil. "You put your sandal in your own mouth. You can avoid an election by retiring and appointing the new Senior Procouncil yourself." said the Lawyer Valaius Graciens. "But who would I pick? The factions would vote to suspend my salary if I chose a conservative and if I chose a liberal, the other factions would think I was soft in the head and they would never talk to me again!" said the Senior Procouncil. "The populous factions aren't as powerful as they once were. Give the office to Senator Mahanius. He is an expert balancer of factions." said the Lawyer. Senator Mahonius? He gives me geese every year, I can't stand geese! It's like he is picking at me. Nevertheless he has a brilliant mind and he isn't a populous. Send him to my villa at the top of my tower." said Varro the Elder.

The Senate ended for the day and everyone was getting ready to leave when the lawyer for the Procouncil approached Senator Mahonius. "The Senior Procouncil wishes to speak with you, in his villa." said the lawyer. "Fine, I will meet with him then." said the Senator. The Senator ordered his carriage to take him to the villa tower of Varro the Elder. The device itself was a magical nature and the sphere that pulled it did what it was told and took him to the tower. He got out and walked the 100 steps to the top of the tower and the servants of the Senior Council met him and offered him some grapes. He partook in some, but limited himself out of politeness as was the custom. The Elder Varro strode into the main room in all the terror he provoked. Then he did something surprising. He took off his amulet and the sense of terror left. "An enchanted item? Is that legal?" asked Senator Mahonius. "Is it illegal? Look, every Senator has his tricks he uses to influence the Senate. Not all votes are done with a clear mind." said Varro the Elder. "I use my voice.  I use my logic. That seems to keep everyone in line." said Senator Mahonius. "Remember that orb I gave you when you became a Junior Senator, all those years ago?" asked the Senior Procouncil. "Yes, I still keep it with me. The words on it from the author of the Annals: "What has been done before will happen again." said Senator Mahonius. "And only brave men can avert the tide of evil." finished the Senior Procouncil. "That item was an enchanted item as well. My Grandfather gave it to me. I gave it to the man who was to succeed me. You are that man." said the Senior Procouncil. Senator Mahonius looked astonished. "Don't be surprised. I was close friends with your father. Your father and I stood down the traitor Gaullius on the floor of the Senate and forced him to resign, keeping our tiny Republic out of the hands of the Orcish Empire. It is amazing what slavery gold will buy these days." said the Senior Procouncil. "I refused the offer of the Magus, you know that." said Senator Mahonius. "And yet your sphere is enchanted." said the Senior Procouncil. "I did not know, it was a reminder for me, the words of the Annalist." said the Senator, taken aback. "Your answer is a wise one. It was honest. I would give up my fortune for an honest politician. You are that man but let me warn you: When the pain comes, it will be harder to make a wise decision, an honest decision." said Varro the Elder. "And pleasure is much, much worse. Let your incomes be from your estates and not your office. Remember the Annals! The Herrodians perished and their city was burnt by the Orcs because it was in a constant state of revolt. Mob rule is never a good answer for any question, it is the end of human civilization as we know it." said Varro the Elder. "Yes, my conduct on the floor of the Senate was reproachable but as my parting advice to you; let the commons purchase their lands and don't be so eager to appease the ancient families. Your great-grandfather was also a commons once, until he purchased land and built a sizable estate, selling wine and selling silver from his mines. He was a man of talent. We didn't frustrate his talent. We saw his son join our ranks in the Senate. Learn that lesson my dear boy." finished the Elder Varro with a tear in his eye. He patted the Senator's shoulder as a sign of respect. "I will hand in my resignation and put your name up for a vote. To-marrow." said the Elder Varro. They shook hands and the Senator, greatly humbled, left the Villa.

The next day, Senator Mahonius waited at his chair as he signed citizenship papers and warrants for unused property and so forth, "Where is the Senior Procouncil?" he asked a legate, who was studying under him. "His wife informed us that the honored Procouncil passed away in his sleep last night. There is no heir named so there will be an election." said the legate. "I never got the news. I visited the Procouncil last night and he all but annointed me for the position." said the Senator. "You might want to inform your own faction of this because they are pushing Braius Maximo as the new Senior Procouncil." said the legate. "What??" said the Senator in surprise and he went to see his fellow-factioneers who were talking in hushed words at the Statue of Marius Maximus the Great. "What on earth is going on? The Senior Procouncil named me as his choice." said the Senator. "Where is your proof? Don't you have papers to sign?" asked the fat and gloating Senator Braius. "Besides, the populous faction is pushing Varro the Younger as their pick. He has already promised a long list of unwanted reforms! Braius is our only hope!" said one wealthy Senator in hushed tones. "I am senior to Braius! The commons will quit our city in protest if he is elected, you know his statements that he made. "The poor ought to live in stables" and "the poor should eat horsefeed" he is an absolute reactionary!" whispered Senator Mahonius. "The noble Senator is right! We need a moderate at this time. Not some populous nutcase or a callous aristocrat either. I will propose that Senator Mahonius be elected Senior Procouncil." said Senator Tibius. The men returned to their seats as the Aedile pounded the hammer at the Rostrum. "This meeting of the 123rd Senate of the year 1506 C.I. shall come to order! The honorable Varro the Younger has been asked to serve as speaker pro-temporare." said the Aedile. Varro the Younger stood up and he exuded an air of honor, but the Senator knew it was a magical trick. "My party has proposed me for election. I daresay I cannot accept this nomination at this time, as my lovely wife is due to give birth to twins. I instead pass the nomination to Senator Mahonius." said the populous Senator. He stepped off the rostrum and Senator Mahonius stepped up. "I am indeed surprised at this sudden turn of events, for I counted on a close race with the honorable Senator from the Populous faction. I accept the nomination and I will be humbled to serve as your Senior Procouncil." said Senator Mahonius. The Seante broke out into applause but Senator Gaius Helm was not pounding his podium. "If I may have the floor?" asked the elder Senator. "You may have the balance of my time sir." said Senator Mahonius as he stepped off the Rostrum. The elder Senator stepped up and his voice cracked as he spoke. "My dear Senators! The Orcs in the north country, the very Orcs whom we signed a treaty of friendship with, are arming at an incredible rate and their warchief has just changed his fealty from us to the Orcish Emperor, Saom'oairk the Terrible. We must elect a Dictator at once to deal with this crisis." said the elder Senator. the elder Senator stepped off the rostrum and smirked at Senator Mahonius. A populous Senator stepped up. "What now? A false crisis? Did the aristocrats want to snatch the choice of the late Senior Procouncil out of the hands of the Senate and make Senator Gaius Bilboius the Dictator? I smell a rat, the Orcs are always changing their minds. Their factions are more fluid than ours. I doubt they will march on the very Republic that defeated them in battle over sixty years ago. I urge you to stay the course and vote for our esteemed Senator." said the populous Senator. The Senator stepped down and the Aedile stepped up. "All in favor of of making Senator Mahonius the Senior Procouncil, drop in a white marble. All in favor of making Senator Bilboius the Dictator, place in a black marble." said the Aedile. The room was silent while the Senators dropped in their choices. The Clerk counted the marbles and the Aedile read the result: "164 for Senator Mahonius, 54 for Senator Bilboius, the rest abstaining. The vote is for the peace to continue." said the Aedile. The Senators rose to congradulate Senator Mahonius and he received them. He then slipped out and stepped up to the Rostrum. "My first act as Senior Procouncil is to ask that Senator Bilboius the Elder form an army and ride hard to the north to gather intelegence on the enemy. The Army shall consist of 2,000 horsemen and no foot troopers. We need them to get in and out fast enough to gauge their strength and their plans. If war is declared, I will step aside for the election of a Dictator, although I do not advise it at this time." said the Senior Procouncil. The Senate ended for the day and a fully tattooed man with a long beard wearing Vyvir furs stepped up. "Are you the King of this place?" asked the barbarian. "I am no King, but I am the elected leader. What is it?" asked the Senior Procouncil, now concerned that the Vyvir have come to talk, because it usually meant the Orcs meant business. "The Orcs have launched a massive army into our homeland, we need 10,000 of your best foot troopers to help us fend them off. My armies are badly outnumbered, 3-1 odds against us. I am a Warrior King, I do not beg. I ask." said the barbarian. "You are High King Ronald Greythane? the son of Orikric the Great?" asked the Senior Procouncil. "Yes, I am that. Elected by my fellow Yarls last year on the death of my great fahter." said the barbarian King. "So we have that much in common. I never expected my office." said the Senior Procouncil. "I trained hard for mine, their was no doubt of my succession" said the High Yarl. The Thanes around him grunted in approval. "How many men do you have ready to fight?" asked the Senior Procouncil. "We have 50,000 ready at arms but most of them are tied down as defense, least the native Orcs burn down our holds. We only have 10,000 free and ready to fight." said the High Yarl. "Keep them on standby, I have sent a Senator with an Army northwards to assess the Orcs strength." said the Senior Procouncil. "I know their strength, 60,000 infantry and 10,000 mounted on war-wolves and 6,000 Mages. General Gar'argh is leading them into battle, I fought him before on the battlefield, he is hard to kill." said the High Yarl. "Oh dear. You will be speaking to the Senate to-marrow. In the meantime, do relax in the Hostel Tower and we will pay your expenses." said the Senior Procouncil. "We are grateful for your hospitality, Senior Procouncil. I will offer you my daughter in marriage tonight, as we feast." said the High Yarl. "I fear I cannot, for I am a married man." said the Senior Procouncil. "Fine, I will give you my prized steed, "Thadric" (the joke is sire, we always name the horse for the last owner, so when it dies under us, we can quickly collect the fine for selling a bad animal! Har! Har!) said the High Yarl partly under his breath. The Senior Procouncil laughed a hearty laugh, just to be diplomatic.

The barbarians and the Senior Procouncil feasted at the Procouncil's Villa. The Vyir told many jokes and one of the Thanes, who was a Skald, told the legends of the Vyir people, from their exodus from their native Island, to the conquest of what was Orcish territory and what is now Vymark, or Vyirlund. The Skald sang of their warrior kings and their dealings with the treacherous Orcs and Trolls. The Senators read their poems and their stories to their guests, all dealing with the rise of their city to it's current Republic, which covered 60% of the entire land. "Every weekend in our arena we have a bloodsport where random mercenaries fight each other for a prize of gold. Each side is equally armed and no side has an unfair advantage, did you wish to join us?" asked the Senior Procouncil. "We have pit fighters in our Kingdom, but they are disgraced sons of thanes and Yarls. Only the common Karls go to see those fights. We are Nobles." said the High King, taken aback by the offer. "I apologize, our cultures are different in that regard." said the Senior Procouncil. "Instead, could I ask for a favor? I need a tutor for my young son. I will send him to you, to get him out of danger. Could you find a tutor for him and he can live in your court during the war?" asked the High Yarl. "I would be honored." said the Senior Procouncil. "Send him when you are ready." said the Senior Procouncil. The Vyir always traded family when they made an alliance, it was an ancient custom, and a practical one too.

The war went badly for the Republic and many cities were burnt to the ground by the Orcs. The war dragged on for seven years which ended in the siege of Veronsici. The archers on the walls took down the Generals of the Orcish Army and even took down the Orcish Emperor. The Crown Prince of the Orcish Empire took his massive army off the field in an orderly retreat and declared the war to be over. The Senate, seeing that most of the Republic was in ruins, made the Senior Procouncil Dictator and Imprator for life. He protested the decision, since he wanted to retire but he agreed at last and ordered the rebuilding of the Republic. The old cities were rebuilt on Veroniasici's circular axis and each city retained their Senates. When the Vyir Yarl, who was now the High Yarl of all Vyir Kingdoms, married his daughter to the Imprator to seal an alliance, the Senate, overawed at the man, declared him Augustas and made him Emperor, and thus began the First Empire. The Augustas retained the Senate and appointed a Chancellor to oversee the Senate and he even created a separate body for the Tribunes. The First Empire grew in size when it cleaned out pockets of land held by the trolls and it even made the restless Nordlanders to the north agree to one Yarl and the Emperor confirmed the new Yarl and in turn the Yarl swore fealty to the Emperor. Vyirlund kept aloof from the Empire and continued it's long and bitter war against the Frost Orcs. The ancient Orcish Empire, except for their mountain fast, was slowly annexed to the First Empire over the next 200 years.

The End.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Source

Chapter One

In the ancient times, when the tribes of men were scattered abroad on the face of the land, a tribe of men traveled to the mountains belonging to the Steelhammer Thane. The hill dwarves taught the men, known as the Imeni tribe, how to farm and the Imeni abandoned their former trade of sheep herding. This was the first human tribe to take up the plow, since all men either hunted or tended to sheep and cattle. The Imeni brought their ales with them, since drinking water was a risk. (They did not yet know that water could be boiled, something the Elves have been doing for thousands of years)

"We have no ale left and the hill dwarves will not give us a good price for their stocks." said the village elders to the thane of the village of Westmoor. Westmoor was a tiny village, built of stone and thatched roofs, in the valley of Tharsling. The thane, Fordling Westmoor looked alarmed. "We will be reduced to drinking the river water? What on earth are our allies thinking? I shall take my sword and seek out the rumored Blue Spring Stone." said the thane as he picked up his cloak. The thane took seven retainers and rode up to Mt. Gisel. "Up on this mountain is a whole face of Blue stone, it is rumored to clean anything it touches." said the thane. "And if only you could get up there." said a shadowed dwarf. "Stand aside, we seek the Blue Stone for our people." said the thane. "Only if you answer a riddle." said the shadowed dwarf. "Say on." said the thane. "Eight venture forth to seek a stone, only seven return. What happens to the eight?" asked the shadowed dwarf. "I suppose the eight dies?" asks the thane, not realizing the foolishness of his answer. "You have answered correctly." said the shadowed dwarf. who lunged at the thane with his dagger. The thane drew his sword and slew the hidden dwarf. "Nay, you did not kill me, nor do I die today." said the thane as he put the broadsword back in it's scabbard. The party began to climb the mountain and left their horses at a steep point. The thane had filled his wine skin with river water as a test for the fabled Blue Stone. After hours of climbing, they came on a large, flat spot with a large Blue Stone standing near a small pond. The stone seemed to sing. "This must be the fabled Blue Stone. Chip off a part and let us test it." said the thane. One retainer chipped off a portion and dipped it in the river water and drank it. "This water is pure." said the man. The thane gave the order and the men chipped off portions of the Blue Stone and they placed the fragments in their bags. They slowly went back down the mountain and returned to the village and showed the Bluestone to the people. The people cheered when they learned that the Bluestone was good for purification of the water. The whole tribe soon heard of this feat and the thanes met and declared Fordling Westmoor the King of the tribe. The House of Westmoor ruled that nation for many years to come.