Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Dark Nexsus: Part II

Three centuries had passed and the realm of men had undergone some massive changes. Emperor Sargon IV ruled the entire world and his legions enforced the Pax Dominus. All of the mages and Paladins were members of the Legion and any mages or Paladins that operated outside of Imperial control were considered to be outlaw. The Great City of Laens, which contained a population of ten million humans and other humanoids, had a vast array of libraries and universities and was considered to be the center of civilization in the whole world. The Empire was in the mist of a Golden Age with scholars advancing technology and science with the magical arts. 

Azzrius was still bottled up in his trap. He had died of starvation on his onyx throne, completely powerless a century before. The plain that had been named for him was now a green province of the Empire, the dome was surrounded by farms and villages, since the evil magic had since passed from the area. Fewer and fewer mages knew of the story of the heroes who had defeated the dark lord and most historians considered the story to be "legendary at best" considering how fast the events had occurred. 

Ambition ruled the Imperial Mages College and the Imperial Mages Guilds. Arch-Mage Timorius spent more time at the Palace than at his desk at the Imperial College. It was no different at the Imperial Paladin Division/College The Abbot-General, Samon Venarius, was preening himself to become the adviser to the Emperor despite the fact that he had never seen combat.

The young Paladin-disciples, having entered the College in the year 1334 CV contained some promising talents. Horaitio the Fair was already at the top of his class and was the first Paladin tapped to handle the Oedemic Crisis. 

"Paladins, there is trouble. An order of black mages headed by Osrion Oedemica has taken up headquarters in the Cave of Blackwater." said Samon to the gathered Paladins. "I want all of you to mount up, take your best enchanted weapons and go and finish this cult-master and slay his disciples. We must not allow the rise of another dark-lord." he said, worried. The limestone courtyard was silent as the wind passed through the arches of the porticoes. "And I appoint Horaitio Lansyard to be the Captain." said the Abbot-General. The other Paladins grimaced, several of their number had seniority over Horaitio but Horaitio had a quick mind and a deep spirit, a good choice for a replacement leader. "Captain Lansyard, gather your men and march. I will provide you the map of the region and of the cave." said the Abbot-General. 

After awhile, the men where readied for the expedition. The Abbot-General called Horaitio aside and had a private conversation. "The eyes of the Emperor are upon you, the eyes of our Order are upon you. Your father was a bright man and your grandfather was also a genius. However try to follow the rules more closely. The Emperor is more impressed by those who obey the rules than anything." warned the Abbot-General. "And if I have to bend a few rules to get the job done?" asked Horaitio. "Do not bend the rules, even by a bit." warned the Abbot-General. "As you command sire." said Horaitio at last. "Good enough, just go in there and get the job done without disgracing us." said the Abbot-General. Captain Horaitio saluted and the two parted company.

The small Paladin Army of ten mounted men left the city early the next morning and traveled west to southern Wintrax. The grassy farmland and plain gave way to pine barrens and large rocks, said to be exploded remains of night trolls who foolishly remained in outside during the dawn. The Paladins commented on this and laughed as they rode past the noses and ears of the once mighty trolls. They came to the Cave of Blackwater after three days of riding. They dismounted and set up camp outside of the cave's mouth. The Captain looked down into the cave. "We're going to have to repel in. The cultists found a perfect hiding spot." said Captain Horaitio. The engineer in the group set the grappling hooks and ropes and the men descended into the cave in fives. The cave was pitch black and the Paladins struck their torches and saw that the cultists had been collecting bones and stacking them randomly as if to warn intruders. "Be aware of magic traps" said Horaitio as he saw one of his men try to move forward in the gloom of the cave. One tunnel descended sharply downward but had a ladder. The Paladins knew that the cultists must be nearby. Horaitio cast "find traps" with a wave of his hand, light shining from his fingers. Several nasty traps were discovered and the Paladins disabled the traps. Under Horaitio's careful leadership, the group moved forward in silence as Horaitio used hand signals to tell the men which direction to follow. He motioned a "stop" when he heard voices ahead. "What are they saying?" whispered one Paladin. "They are saying "Azzrius" said Captain Horaitio. "They are summoning!" he whispered to the group. He gave the signals. "Sneak up and dispatch by dagger" was the command. The Paladins silently came behind the group of eight cultists and slew them noiselessly. They saw the leader, the infamous Osrion Oedemica who was at the center of the occultic circle. 
He vanished before the Paladins could finish him off. "This is not good. I think that Osrion is trying to make himself the receptacle of Azzrius. A returned Azzrius would utterly destroy the Empire and all of mankind and our fellow races." The party continued to press into the cave to look for the cult leader and they ambushed him in an ante-chamber while sitting at his desk. They quickly slew the sleeping leader and took his head and stuffed it into a bag. They climbed out of the cave and returned to the city and the Abbot-General and showed him the severed head. "Good work, now get rid of the head or it might become an unholy artifact." said the Abbot-General. The Paladins burned the head to ashes in the burn pit and threw the ashes outside of the city. 

A short time later, the headless Osrion stood up on his feet and regrew his head. "I am back!" said the now dark lord Azzrius.

End of Part II

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